Here is Clue #5 – the LAST clue will be posted this Friday and then all scorecards are due at City Hall by the end of Tuesday, July 23rd. More details are here.
Here is Clue #5 – the LAST clue will be posted this Friday and then all scorecards are due at City Hall by the end of Tuesday, July 23rd. More details are here.
Here’s clue #4 for the Great Ferndale Alien Abduction – more clues, rules and details can be found here.
Here’s the third clue for the Great Ferndale Alien Abduction – you can find the previous clues and all the rules at the main page by clicking here.
Here’s the second clue for the Great Ferndale Alien Abduction – you can find the first clue and all the rules at the main page by clicking here.
Here’s the first clue – next clue is released this Friday, July 5th. More details can be found by clicking here.
Ferndale is home to the largest collection of slab cedar houses in the United States and now that collection can be explored from the home thanks to a new online tool. The City of Ferndale has built a story map that allows visitors to view pictures of the cabins and explore their original locations around Whatcom County. The story map interfaces with the City’s mapping system and can be found at www.cityofferndale.org/maps.
The slab cedar houses were some of the first buildings that pioneers constructed in the Pacific Northwest and have been meticulously maintained and restored by the Old Settlers Association and Ferndale Heritage Society over the last hundred years. Visitors can see them in person and take a guided tour Tuesday through Sunday from 11am-4pm at the Pioneer Village at 2000 Cherry St. in Ferndale.
Ferndale Launches Citywide Scavenger Hunt for the Month of July
Aliens have landed in Ferndale and are leaving strange symbols scattered throughout the city. That’s the hook for “The Great Ferndale Alien Abduction”, an annual scavenger hunt held during the month of July.
Participants follow clues to find banners hidden throughout the city while also partaking in community events, meeting their neighbors or volunteering to score additional points. The high scoring teams receive cash prizes and the first-place winner gets to ride in a city dump truck in the Old Settlers Parade. Everyone is welcome to participate, it is free to play.
“This is a great opportunity to explore your city, get some fresh air and discover some new ways to have fun,” said Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney. This scavenger hunt is the third annual iteration of this event, similar to last year’s “Great Ferndale Midsummer Mystery”.
For more information and to download a scorecard, go to www.cityofferndale.org/aliens. More information about the City’s parks activities can be found at www.ferndaleparks.com.
That’s right folks, it is time for our 2019 Summer of Fun parks activities to begin. See the full listings and details by clicking here.
Grab your web-shooters because with great parks events comes great entertainment. Ferndale Parks will be showing Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse inside the Pioneer Pavilion (2007 Cherry St) on Friday, April 26th. Doors open at 6pm, movie starts at 6:30pm. Free popcorn and soda as we kick off our 2019 Summer of Fun.
For more information, please contact Recreation Coordinator Riley Sweeney at (360) 685-2353, or rileysweeney@cityofferndale.org.
The Parks, Recreation and Trails Advisory Board (PRTAB) meeting, which is usually held on the third Thursday of every month has been rescheduled for March for the second Thursday – in this case, March 14th due to staffing availaibility.