Phillips66 Sports Complex
The Phillips66 Sports Complex is a multi-million dollar sports facility which boasts four regulation softball fields, including outfield and sideline fences with warning track, dugout and backstop assemblies, and lighting to facilitate nighttime games; two soccer fields, one with lighting for nighttime use; on site concessions; new restroom facilities; plenty of free parking; and walking paths that wind through the facility and nearby enhanced wetland areas.
Phillips66 Sports Complex Reservations
Purpose: It is the policy of the City of Ferndale to provide for reservations at the Phillips 66 Sports Complex and to honor the traditional and historic users of that facility. This policy is intended to provide formal documentation of the process and fees for use of the Sports Complex.
Procedure: In order to schedule the use of the Sports Complex, the following procedure will be followed. This procedure is designed to provide a preference to users who successfully and without a problem or incident conduct an event at the Sports Complex.
1. Individuals and groups wishing to schedule the use of the Sports Complex must check with the Facilities Coordinator to verify the availability of the Sports Complex. Email: tonisegerman@cityofferndale.org. Phone: (360) 685-2369.
2. Groups and individuals with historic uses, (approved scheduled uses in past years with no problems) must file and sign a completed Tournament Reservation Form no later than October 30 of each year for use in the coming year.
3. The Tournament Reservation Form must be accompanied by a field deposit of $25.00 per field, per day.
4. On November 15 of each year, the City will notify reservation applicants of the status (approval/denial) of the Tournament Reservation Request electronically and by mail.
a. If the request is denied, then the deposit will be returned along with the notice of denial.
b. If the request is approved, then the deposit will be kept by the City.
5. For infrequent users or organizations missing the October 30 key date, requests will be handled on a first come-first served basis and will be accepted after November 15 annually.
6. Tournament and/or concession fees must be paid in full no later than 2:00 p.m. the Friday before the event. Fees may be paid in a check or in cash to:
Ferndale City Hall
2095 Main Street
Ferndale, WA. 98248
7. Tournament directors must provide the City with their final tournament schedule no later than 2:00 p.m. the Wednesday before the tournament.
8. Non-tournament refunds will be granted only for reservations cancelled with at least 10 days notice from the approved use date. No refunds will be given for tournament cancellations.
9. Rain-Outs: On days when it appears games may be rained out, call the Park Rain out number-360-380-7462.
General Athletic Field use Policies
The City has established and will enforce the following regulations.
1. City sponsored events have priority of use. The city will provide reasonable notice when cancelling a non-city user.
2. All facility renters must be 18 years of age or older. Renters are responsible for all damage and must make payment in full in order to qualify for next year use.
3. Selling, opening, consuming or possessing alcoholic beverages in any open container is strictly prohibited in all city parks.
4. Being or remaining in or loitering in a city park while intoxicated is prohibited.
5. No dogs are allowed inside the perimeter fence at the Sports Complex. Dogs must be on a leash at all times in other areas of the Park.
6. The City of Ferndale is not responsible for any property loss or damage to vehicles.
7. It is the responsibility of the tournament or use organization to obtain closure updates. Field conditions will be posted on field gates.
8. Sports Field users may perform only those maintenance duties approved by the City Parks maintenance staff.
9. Renters are required to adhere to all rules and regulations and conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner. Conduct will be a factor in deciding subsequent year uses.
Appeal process: Individuals and organizations wishing to appeal a denial of a requested use should appeal to the following individuals or groups in this order:
1. The City Administrator
2. The Parks, Recreation and Trails Advisory Board
3. The City Council
On days when game rain outs may be in question, please call the Park Rain Out Number: (360) 380-7462. Game cancellations will be recorded by 3:00 p.m. Games cancelled by Parks Staff due to rain will be rescheduled.